INR 53INR 604

FAT LIME is a pure elastic breathable and ready to use binder for application in lime concretes, mortars,plasters, renders, top coats and paints.This is classified as Class C lime as per IS 712-1973. This is also known as Wet Lime, Non-Hydraulic Lime,Slaked Lime, High Calcium Putty Lime.Please review its specification sheet.

FAT LIME plasters & mortars are particularly easy to execute with support from our Field Manual & video guides.For reference, 0.8kg FAT LIME per sqft is used for 12-15mm thick plaster.

FAT LIME plasters & mortars are chemical free. non-toxic,breathable, regulates interior temperature, humidity and acoustics when compared to conventional cement plasters. They prevent/greatly reduce moisture accumulation in the building envelope.They are beautiful in texture and many projects choose to leave them exposed in the interior. FAT LIME plasters are often layered with 2-8mm thick breathable MLIME no-paint punnings in a variety of textures and pigments.

FAT LIME is shipped within 1-7 business days.Cost includes 5% GST. 1Kg units will be delivered via doorstep from Udaipur,Rajasthan and shipping will be payable to the logistics vendors at the time of collection. 25Kg units will be delivered to transporters warehouse nearest to you.Shipping charges from Jodhpur, Rajasthan will be payable to the logistics vendors at the time of collection.Please email [email protected] for discount applicable on orders larger than 10,000kg. MOQ for 200kg FAT LIME units is 25tons.

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